This is a must have model as a discussion piece. I purchased the OBB version of this model and love it. See demo vide below!
Beilhack rotary snow blower of the US railroad company Conrail.
Edition model!
■ Precisely reproduced snow blower with a long vehicle platform, modified snow cutter equipment, headlamps and ditch lights
■ Self-driving model
■ Delicately designed model with digitally switchable functions: lifting and lowering of the snow cutter equipment, rotating impellers
■ Vehicle platform can be turned 180°
The snow blower manufactured by the Bavarian company "Beilhack" was also exported to the USA. The advantage of the Beilhack snow blower is its simple handling. So no separate traction vehicle is needed for operation. An equally big advantage is that the snow blower can change direction on its own, as the complete vehicle platform can be turned 180 degrees.
General data
Minimum radius358 mmFlywheelyesNumber of driven axles1Number of axles with traction tyres1ScaleH0EpochVArticle number72804Original (country)USA mmRailway CompanyCONRAIL
LED lightingyesHead lightDigitally switchable triple front headlightsLED head lightyesControl2L - DigitalInterfaceElectrical interface for traction units PluX22Digital decoderPluX22Decoder-TypeMS450P22SoundyesBuffer capacitoryes
Length over bufferOverall length 150 mm
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